Screens free day

The screens free day was organized on January 29th 2019 in Brsadin, Croatia, Csongrad, Hungary, Cudibey secondary school in Trabzon, Turkey,  Gislev Friskole in Gislev, Denmark and,Tartu Raatuse School in Tartu, Estonia, within the framework of the Erasmus + Square Eyed Students (SES) project and was conducted on the same day in all project partner countries.

It was the day when the entire schools (including students, staff and teachers!) didn’t used any display devices. That means telephones, computers, and projectors. Instead of puting the information into the electronic diaries of the students we used the written notes, real dictionaries instead of Google Translate etc.

The goal of the day was the to give to the pupil the opportunity to experience what it means to be a day without screens, trying to analyze it first and foremost inside themselves. What it gave, what it took and what it taught.

The children participating in the SES project made the vox-pop video interviews with the students and teachers and shared them with each other in the Twinspace platform.

In Denmark, we watch the news in the television with 5-9'th grade every Tuesday and Thursday. This Screen Free Tuesday, the teachers had to read the Newspapers to the students and discuss the news instead of watching.

In all partner countries, we experienced, that it was hard for the students to be without computers. Some didn’t like the feeling, others enjoyed to have time to play board games, play and make activities with their families. Every student reflected on their screen habits and some even changed their habits afterwards.

News from Denmark here.